Portfolio 2023
New Portfolio Website Built With Next.js & Sanity.io

The website you're looking at right now- is me doing action after I realized there were so many spaces to improve on my last one. It was working fine, to be honest. But it looks kind of rooky and it's not scalable. It would become difficult to manage if I have needs to edit my portfolio regularly. It's just not practical going back to the JSON file every time I want to update my latest work. I'm lazy and I'm also a Web Developer, right? It's my nature to solve problems and make life easier. That's why I chose a CMS tool to take care of my content.
Lesson Learned
I have to say that I enjoyed every minute of the step-by-step code along with the Sanity document. It's clear and easy to begin with. Learning some GROQ language on the fly was fun, too. I added it to my tool kit after the project.
Quick Links
- Figma
- Next.js
- Sanity.io
- Vercel